Bridge to create messages in an AMQP Broker (e.g. RabbitMQ) from BMC Remedy.

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Our bridge allows you to create messages in AMQP Broker via filter workflow. It provides a SOAP-Endpoint that can be addressed.


The api listens on port 3000.

WSDL-Url: http://yourhost:3000/wsdl?wsdl

Endpoint-Url: http://yourhost:3000/wsdl

Warning: The bridge does currently not provide authentication for incomming requests. You should ensure on network/firewall level that it can only be reached from the AR System server.


The easiest deployment option is via docker.

version: '3.4' 
    image: manyos/itsm-amqpbridge
    restart: always
      - LOGLEVEL=info
      - MQ_CONNECTION=amqp://rabbitmq:8fdsu82@rabbitserver


The following Environment Variables can be used to change the behaviour of the Monitor API.

parameter sample description default
MQ-CONNECTION amqp://rabbitmq:dffds3id@pier1 Connectionstring with user and password for the AMQP Broker  
LOGLEVEL debug Loglevel of the API. Use debug, info or error error
MESSAGE_OPTIONS {persistent: false} Message options used to send new messages {persistent: true}
EXCHANGE remedy Exchange where messages are sent to mys.soapgateway
EXCHANGE_TYPE fanout Type of the exchange topic
ROUTINGKEY events.remedy Routing key that is provided with all sent messages mys.soapgateway.undefined

Send a message

You can send a message with a Set Fields filter action. You can provide values for exchange, routingKey and message. Only message is required.

set fields

Sample Workflow

The following sample workflow adds a new form and 3 filter to your system. The filter MYS:SoapGW_PrepareMessage creates a soap message from some form fields. The message is stored in the field mqMessage. The filter MYS:SoapGW_Call tries to send the message. Errors are handled with the filter MYS:SoapGW_ErrorHandler. This ensures that your transaction does not fail. In case of an error the field mqResponseStatus is set to error and mqResponse will have the error details in it.

Note: You need to change the endpoint address in the filter MYS:SoapGW_Call before you can use the sample workflow.

Known issues

The way remedy deals with Webservices can cause messages to be published twice on the exchange.

The behaviour is described here

You can fix it if you change the soapsequence setting to either Soap11-Only or Soap21-Only.